Beyond Zoom: The Value of In-Person Mediations

By Donald G. Korman Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator There are now very few in-person mediations. Online mediations are far more efficient than in-person mediations. Participants can be and often are in different cities or even different countries. There are no transportation, food...
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Who must appear at a mediation?

At most of the mediations I preside over, the plaintiff and their lawyer are present, along with a representative from an insurer and defense counsel. It is common knowledge that the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure require all parties or their representatives and counsel be physically present at the mediation....
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The Importance of Listening in Conflict Resolution

By: Philip G. Thompson Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator It has been said that listening is the most important part of communication. I would go so far as to say that this applies even more in conflict resolution. Quite simply, if we don’t...
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Starbucks’ Grande Mistake

By: Brenda F. Pagliaro Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator We all know what it is like to order a coffee at Starbucks, with its signature sizes ranging from Short to Grande to Venti. Every time I go there for a coffee, I get order anxiety. Starbucks was forced...
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Mediator Brenda F. Pagliaro Joins MediationWorks

MediationWorks is pleased to announce the addition of Brenda F. Pagliaro to the company as its newest mediator. Brenda F. Pagliaro is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Court Mediator and Arbitrator. With more than three decades of legal and litigation experience, she is a resolution-oriented, effective negotiator. Her career...
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Going With the Flow: The Influence of “Groupthink” on Mediation Outcomes

By: Ira S. Bergman Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator What do the Bay of Pigs invasion, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster have in common? Answer: They all have been cited as examples of how “groupthink” can lead to disastrous consequences. In better understanding...
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